Lloyd Ho feel headache now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
tis few days didnt update blog... am i feel lazy??? nope!!! i'm really feel tired... blog i also feel tired to update edi... i starting to feel tired in everything... i'm really nid a rest... a long long rest... is better to rest in peace...
Monday, January 25, 2010
long time no update edi... i feel very very happy... bcoz i still left 5days then no nid to work anymore... yahoo!!! happy o... after tht can everyday find my darling.... hehe^^ and tomolo tuesday can go to meet my lovely darling lo... cant wait tomolo o... hehe....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
juz come back from cheras... very tired... but its worth... bcoz go to find my gf... hehe... nw edi 21/01/2010... so happy... coz i work until 30/01/2010, still got 1 week... and i gonna get my money soon... my pocket money almost finish... :( and 5th/01/2010 i'm goin bak to Sabah, Tawau... miss my fren alot... hehe... today is really very very tired...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Today the whole day go out v u... feel borin but happy... bcoz u're bside me... hehe^^ i hope tht u also think like tht... i'm sorry tht coz i didnt got any plan... so make u feel very borin... really very very sorry... u tell me tht u see me more then u miss me more... actually u edi say out wht i wan to say... i really very very miss u nw... like the time u hugging me... really very sweet... i love tht moment... i like the time i holding ur hand shopping at pyramid... i wish to let every ppl knw tht we're dating... u're my darling... i'm ur dear... haha... i'm very sorry about tht i dunno u dislike the word "bye"... really very very sorry... i promise u tht i wont say tht word to u anymore... so sorry about tht... don angry la, k???
juz finish read this email... its really very touching... let's share v ur all...
他和她結婚整整10年了,夫妻間已經沒有任何衝動與情趣,他越來越覺得自己對她幾乎就是一種程式與義務,他開始厭煩起了她,尤其是單位新調進了一個年輕活潑的女孩,對他發起了瘋狂的進攻,他突然覺得她是自己的第二春,經過再三考慮,他決定和她離婚。她似乎也麻木了,很平靜地答應了他,兩個人一起走進了民政部門。 手續辦得很順利,出門後,兩個人已經是各自獨立的自由人了,不知為什麼,他心裏突然有種空落落的感覺,他看了看她:“天已經晚了,一起去吃點飯吧。” 她看了看他:“好吧,聽說新開了一家‘離婚酒店’,專門執行離婚夫婦的最後一頓晚餐,要不咱們到那兒去看看。” 他點了點頭,兩人一前一後默默地走進了離婚酒店。 “先生女士晚上好。”二人在包廂剛坐下,服務小姐便走了進來,“請問兩位想吃點兒什麼?” 他看了看她:“你點吧。” 她搖了搖頭:“我不常出來,不太清楚這些,還是你點吧。” “對不起先生女士,我們離婚酒店有個規矩,這頓飯必 須要由 女士點先生平時最愛吃的菜,由先生點女士平時最愛吃的菜,這叫‘最後的記憶’。” “那好吧,”她理了理頭髮,“清蒸魚、溜蘑菇、拌木耳,記住,都不要放蔥薑蒜,我先生……這位先生他不吃這些。” “先生呢?”服務小姐看了看他。他愣住了。結婚10年,他真的不知道老婆喜歡吃什麼。他張著嘴,尷尬地愣在了那兒。
“就這些吧,其實這是我們兩個人都愛吃的。”她連忙打起了圓場。 服務小姐笑了笑:“說實話,到我們離婚酒店來吃這最後一頓晚餐,所有的先生和女士其實都吃不下去什麼,所以這‘最後的記憶’咱們還是不要吃了吧。就喝我們酒店特意為所有離婚人士準備的晚餐——冷飲吧,這也是所有來的人都不拒絕的選擇。”她與她都點了點頭:“那就來冷飲吧。” 很快,服務小姐送來了兩份冷飲,兩份飲料中一份淡藍一片,全是冰渣;一份滿杯紅潤,冒著熱氣。 “這份晚餐名叫‘一半是火焰,一半是海水’,兩位慢用。”服務小姐介紹完退了下去。 包房裏靜悄悄的,兩個人相對而坐,一時竟不知道該說什麼好。 “篤篤篤!”輕輕一陣敲門聲,服務小姐走了近來,托盤裏托著一枝鮮豔的紅玫瑰:“先生,還記得您第一次給這位女士送花的情景嗎?現在一切都結束了,夫妻不成就當朋友,朋友要好聚好散,最後為女士送朵玫瑰吧。” 她渾身一抖,眼前又浮現出了10年前他給她送花的情景,那時,他們剛剛來到這座舉目無親的省城,什麼都沒有,一切從零開始。白天,他們四處找工作,努力拼搏;晚上, 為了增加收入,她去晚市出小攤,他去給人家刷盤子。很晚很晚,他們才一起回到租住在地下室裏那不足10平米的小屋。日子很苦,可他們卻很幸福。 到省城的第一個情人節 那天,他為自己買了第一朵紅玫瑰,她幸福得流下了眼淚。10年了,一切都好起來了,可兩個人卻走向了分離。她想著想著,淚水盈滿了雙眼,她擺了擺手說:“不用了。” 他也想起了過去的10年,他這才記起,自己已經有五六年沒有給她買過一枝玫瑰了。他擺了擺手:“不,要買。” 服務小姐卻拿起了玫瑰,“刷刷”兩下撕成了兩半,分別扔進了兩個人的飲料杯裏,玫瑰竟然溶解在了飲料裏。 “這是我們酒店特意用糯米製成的紅玫瑰,也是送給你們的第三道菜,名叫‘映景的美麗’。先生女士慢用,有什麼需要直接叫我。”服務小姐說完,轉身走了出去。 “XX,我……”他一把握住她的手,有些說不出話來。 她抽了抽手,沒有抽動,便不再動彈。兩個人靜靜地對視著,什麼也說不出來。 “啪!”突然,燈熄了,整個包房裏漆黑一片,外面警鈴大作,一股煙味兒飄了進來。 “怎麼了?”兩個人急忙站了起來。 “店起火了,大家馬上從安全通道走!快!”外面,有人聲嘶力竭地喊了起來。 “老公!”她一下撲進了他的懷裏,“我怕!” “別怕!”他緊緊摟住她,“親愛的,有我呢。走,往外衝!” 包廂外面燈光通明,秩序井然,什麼都沒有發生。 服務小姐走了過來:“對不起,先生女士,讓兩位受驚了。酒店並沒有失火,煙味兒也是特意往包房裏放的一點點,這是我們的第四道菜,名叫‘內心的選擇’。請回包廂。” 他和她回到了包廂,燈光依舊。他一把拉她:“親愛的,服務小姐說得對,剛才那才是你我內心真正的選擇。其實,我們誰都離不開誰,明天咱們重新結婚吧?” 她咬了咬嘴唇:“你願意嗎?” “我願意,我現在什麼都明白了,明天一早咱就去辦結婚。小姐,買單。”他說著喊了起來 。 服務小姐走了近來,遞給兩人一人一張精緻的紅色清單:“先生女士好,這是兩位的帳單,也是本酒店的最後一道贈品,名叫‘永遠的帳單’,請兩位永遠保存吧。"他看著帳單,眼淚淌了下來。 “你怎麼了?”她連忙問道。 他把帳單遞給了她:“親愛的,我錯了,我對不起你。” 她打開帳單一看,只見上面寫著: 一個溫暖的家; 兩隻操勞的手; 三更不熄等您歸家的燈; 四季注意身體的叮囑; 無微不至的關懷; 六旬婆母的微笑; 起早貪黑對孩子的照顧; 八方維護您的威信; 九下廚房為了您愛吃的一道菜; 十年為您逝去的青春…… 這就是您的妻子。 “老公,您辛苦了,這些年也是我冷漠了你。”她也把自己的那份帳單遞給了他。他打開帳單,只見上面寫著: 一個男人的責任; 兩肩挑起的重擔; 三更半夜的勞累; 四處奔波的匆忙; 無法傾訴的委屈; 留在臉上的滄桑; 七姑八姨的義務; 八上八下的波折; 九優一疵的凡人; 時時對家對子的真情…… 這就是您的丈夫。 兩個人抱在一起,放聲痛哭。 結完帳,他和她對經理千恩萬謝,手牽手走回了家。看者他們幸福的背影,經理微笑著點了點頭:“真幸福,我們離婚酒店又挽救了一個家!
诺贝尔文学奖得主萧伯纳说:“此时此刻在地球上,约有两万个认适合当你的人生伴侣,就看你先遇见哪一个,如果在第二个理想伴侣出现之前,你已经跟前一个人 发展出互相信赖的深层关系,那后者就会变成你的好朋友,但若你跟前一个人没有培养出深层关系,感情就容易动摇、变心,直到你与这些理想伴侣候选人的其中一 位拥有稳固的深情,才是幸福的开始,漂泊的结束。。。”
爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要‘际遇’,是上天的安排,但是‘持续的爱一个人’就要靠‘努力’。在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通、体量、包容与 自制(面临诱惑有所自制)。有许多人总是为‘际遇’所迷惑与苦恼,意念不停、欲念不断、争逐不散,而忘了培养经营感情的能力才是幸福的关键,所以不要去追 问到底谁才是我的Mr.Right,而是要问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,我能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的 Mr.Right出现在你身边,幸福依然会错过的,而活在犹疑于遗憾当中,这不就是许多‘爱情虚无症’的遭遇与心态吗?
juz come bak from cheras... feel happy can meet u... the 1st time i go out v u... i love u...
他和她結婚整整10年了,夫妻間已經沒有任何衝動與情趣,他越來越覺得自己對她幾乎就是一種程式與義務,他開始厭煩起了她,尤其是單位新調進了一個年輕活潑的女孩,對他發起了瘋狂的進攻,他突然覺得她是自己的第二春,經過再三考慮,他決定和她離婚。她似乎也麻木了,很平靜地答應了他,兩個人一起走進了民政部門。 手續辦得很順利,出門後,兩個人已經是各自獨立的自由人了,不知為什麼,他心裏突然有種空落落的感覺,他看了看她:“天已經晚了,一起去吃點飯吧。” 她看了看他:“好吧,聽說新開了一家‘離婚酒店’,專門執行離婚夫婦的最後一頓晚餐,要不咱們到那兒去看看。” 他點了點頭,兩人一前一後默默地走進了離婚酒店。 “先生女士晚上好。”二人在包廂剛坐下,服務小姐便走了進來,“請問兩位想吃點兒什麼?” 他看了看她:“你點吧。” 她搖了搖頭:“我不常出來,不太清楚這些,還是你點吧。” “對不起先生女士,我們離婚酒店有個規矩,這頓飯必 須要由 女士點先生平時最愛吃的菜,由先生點女士平時最愛吃的菜,這叫‘最後的記憶’。” “那好吧,”她理了理頭髮,“清蒸魚、溜蘑菇、拌木耳,記住,都不要放蔥薑蒜,我先生……這位先生他不吃這些。” “先生呢?”服務小姐看了看他。他愣住了。結婚10年,他真的不知道老婆喜歡吃什麼。他張著嘴,尷尬地愣在了那兒。
“就這些吧,其實這是我們兩個人都愛吃的。”她連忙打起了圓場。 服務小姐笑了笑:“說實話,到我們離婚酒店來吃這最後一頓晚餐,所有的先生和女士其實都吃不下去什麼,所以這‘最後的記憶’咱們還是不要吃了吧。就喝我們酒店特意為所有離婚人士準備的晚餐——冷飲吧,這也是所有來的人都不拒絕的選擇。”她與她都點了點頭:“那就來冷飲吧。” 很快,服務小姐送來了兩份冷飲,兩份飲料中一份淡藍一片,全是冰渣;一份滿杯紅潤,冒著熱氣。 “這份晚餐名叫‘一半是火焰,一半是海水’,兩位慢用。”服務小姐介紹完退了下去。 包房裏靜悄悄的,兩個人相對而坐,一時竟不知道該說什麼好。 “篤篤篤!”輕輕一陣敲門聲,服務小姐走了近來,托盤裏托著一枝鮮豔的紅玫瑰:“先生,還記得您第一次給這位女士送花的情景嗎?現在一切都結束了,夫妻不成就當朋友,朋友要好聚好散,最後為女士送朵玫瑰吧。” 她渾身一抖,眼前又浮現出了10年前他給她送花的情景,那時,他們剛剛來到這座舉目無親的省城,什麼都沒有,一切從零開始。白天,他們四處找工作,努力拼搏;晚上, 為了增加收入,她去晚市出小攤,他去給人家刷盤子。很晚很晚,他們才一起回到租住在地下室裏那不足10平米的小屋。日子很苦,可他們卻很幸福。 到省城的第一個情人節 那天,他為自己買了第一朵紅玫瑰,她幸福得流下了眼淚。10年了,一切都好起來了,可兩個人卻走向了分離。她想著想著,淚水盈滿了雙眼,她擺了擺手說:“不用了。” 他也想起了過去的10年,他這才記起,自己已經有五六年沒有給她買過一枝玫瑰了。他擺了擺手:“不,要買。” 服務小姐卻拿起了玫瑰,“刷刷”兩下撕成了兩半,分別扔進了兩個人的飲料杯裏,玫瑰竟然溶解在了飲料裏。 “這是我們酒店特意用糯米製成的紅玫瑰,也是送給你們的第三道菜,名叫‘映景的美麗’。先生女士慢用,有什麼需要直接叫我。”服務小姐說完,轉身走了出去。 “XX,我……”他一把握住她的手,有些說不出話來。 她抽了抽手,沒有抽動,便不再動彈。兩個人靜靜地對視著,什麼也說不出來。 “啪!”突然,燈熄了,整個包房裏漆黑一片,外面警鈴大作,一股煙味兒飄了進來。 “怎麼了?”兩個人急忙站了起來。 “店起火了,大家馬上從安全通道走!快!”外面,有人聲嘶力竭地喊了起來。 “老公!”她一下撲進了他的懷裏,“我怕!” “別怕!”他緊緊摟住她,“親愛的,有我呢。走,往外衝!” 包廂外面燈光通明,秩序井然,什麼都沒有發生。 服務小姐走了過來:“對不起,先生女士,讓兩位受驚了。酒店並沒有失火,煙味兒也是特意往包房裏放的一點點,這是我們的第四道菜,名叫‘內心的選擇’。請回包廂。” 他和她回到了包廂,燈光依舊。他一把拉她:“親愛的,服務小姐說得對,剛才那才是你我內心真正的選擇。其實,我們誰都離不開誰,明天咱們重新結婚吧?” 她咬了咬嘴唇:“你願意嗎?” “我願意,我現在什麼都明白了,明天一早咱就去辦結婚。小姐,買單。”他說著喊了起來 。 服務小姐走了近來,遞給兩人一人一張精緻的紅色清單:“先生女士好,這是兩位的帳單,也是本酒店的最後一道贈品,名叫‘永遠的帳單’,請兩位永遠保存吧。"他看著帳單,眼淚淌了下來。 “你怎麼了?”她連忙問道。 他把帳單遞給了她:“親愛的,我錯了,我對不起你。” 她打開帳單一看,只見上面寫著: 一個溫暖的家; 兩隻操勞的手; 三更不熄等您歸家的燈; 四季注意身體的叮囑; 無微不至的關懷; 六旬婆母的微笑; 起早貪黑對孩子的照顧; 八方維護您的威信; 九下廚房為了您愛吃的一道菜; 十年為您逝去的青春…… 這就是您的妻子。 “老公,您辛苦了,這些年也是我冷漠了你。”她也把自己的那份帳單遞給了他。他打開帳單,只見上面寫著: 一個男人的責任; 兩肩挑起的重擔; 三更半夜的勞累; 四處奔波的匆忙; 無法傾訴的委屈; 留在臉上的滄桑; 七姑八姨的義務; 八上八下的波折; 九優一疵的凡人; 時時對家對子的真情…… 這就是您的丈夫。 兩個人抱在一起,放聲痛哭。 結完帳,他和她對經理千恩萬謝,手牽手走回了家。看者他們幸福的背影,經理微笑著點了點頭:“真幸福,我們離婚酒店又挽救了一個家!
诺贝尔文学奖得主萧伯纳说:“此时此刻在地球上,约有两万个认适合当你的人生伴侣,就看你先遇见哪一个,如果在第二个理想伴侣出现之前,你已经跟前一个人 发展出互相信赖的深层关系,那后者就会变成你的好朋友,但若你跟前一个人没有培养出深层关系,感情就容易动摇、变心,直到你与这些理想伴侣候选人的其中一 位拥有稳固的深情,才是幸福的开始,漂泊的结束。。。”
爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要‘际遇’,是上天的安排,但是‘持续的爱一个人’就要靠‘努力’。在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通、体量、包容与 自制(面临诱惑有所自制)。有许多人总是为‘际遇’所迷惑与苦恼,意念不停、欲念不断、争逐不散,而忘了培养经营感情的能力才是幸福的关键,所以不要去追 问到底谁才是我的Mr.Right,而是要问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,我能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的 Mr.Right出现在你身边,幸福依然会错过的,而活在犹疑于遗憾当中,这不就是许多‘爱情虚无症’的遭遇与心态吗?
juz come bak from cheras... feel happy can meet u... the 1st time i go out v u... i love u...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
today is the 1st day i quarrel v u... suddenly receive ur msg say wht u nvr miss me and don wan cht v me... i can feel tht i'm very lonely and nobody care me anymore... my heart keep thinkin our relationship will stop at this sec??? wht should i do??? keep calling u but cant call in... make me damn worry... tht time i can really feel tht heart pain... from start TT is very happy, after 1hour... my mood still away fall... ppl can really see tht i feel so sad tht time... but wht can i do... u nvr knw my feel... i given ppl dump b4... so i don wish to hav 1 more time... is really very sad... the whole life is full of darkness... even my brain, i really dunno wht its thinkin... blank all... ppl keep talking v me and i keep didnt ans them... bcoz my heart is nt v me tht time... until nw, sms u u didnt reply... call u juz knw u fall as sleep... if i didnt call u i really keep waiting ur msg till morning... i will do like tht is it mean tht i really very stupid??? i juz hope when u're sleeping, juz giv me a msg... a msg only... i thought our love is very very sweet although u stay far from me... but nw, bitter is around me... the 1st time quarrel is today... i'm juz like a kids... nid ppl tam, nid ppl care, nid ppl acc... although is angry, but hav to act like nth... bcoz i don wish we nvr start then game over... wht am i talking nw??? i really dunno... juz can feel tht i very blur...
juz nw coming bak from damansara to sunway... using LDP, a lot of siao ppl... got a subaru drunk driver can stop the car in front of the traffic light and go down to scold a gal drivin vios... i really dunno wht had happen... but i really don wish to knw, and don wish to see.... it make my mood more bad... keep racing v george and chantelle... very danger but still will brake at corner... if really didnt break, i think nw i should at hell and nt at home posting... a lot of ppl racing v us... but my car is juz 1.3 how to race??? juz let them pass only....
juz nw coming bak from damansara to sunway... using LDP, a lot of siao ppl... got a subaru drunk driver can stop the car in front of the traffic light and go down to scold a gal drivin vios... i really dunno wht had happen... but i really don wish to knw, and don wish to see.... it make my mood more bad... keep racing v george and chantelle... very danger but still will brake at corner... if really didnt break, i think nw i should at hell and nt at home posting... a lot of ppl racing v us... but my car is juz 1.3 how to race??? juz let them pass only....
Friday, January 15, 2010
Happy Birthday to my Daddy Joseph... wish u all the best and hav a healthy life... i wont make u angry... i love u... u're the best... u 1 ppl earn money for 7ppl use... u giv us a comfortable life... u giv us pocket money tht more than enough... u giv us education... so tht next time wont giv ppl bully... i really very thx u... i feel lucky tht i'm ur son... but i also hope tht 1day u will feel proud on me... i still rmb wht mummy tell me last time... she say tht u will feel sad when see us envy our fren got wht nice stuff tht we don hav... and mummy say tht last time ur daddy is very poor... so he didnt buy any nice stuff to u... so u always envy wht ur fren got... u don hope we hav the same feeling like u... so everytime my fren got handphone, then u buy me a new handphone... my fren got PS2, u oso buy me a PS2... my fren got a car, u also buy me a car... although all the stuff u giv me is nt the most exp or most nicer... but i feel enough... as long as wht ppl got i also got... i wont take it to compare v others... thx daddy... u're the best... i love u...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
haiz... today boss open war v his wife... we all damn suffer... do wrong thing straight away giv him scold like a dog... but lucky he go bak at 6pm... and we party until 7.30p.m... open the player until so loud... got wht customer come inside straight away open flying price to let them walk away... wait u finish work till 10p.m... 10p.m i edi guai guai stay at house wait u online lo... u see... i treat u so good... hehe... today nth special lo... but my car stuff giv ppl steal jor... nvm la... juz around rm1xx only... giv him lo... hehe... i very very misss u... cant cht v u nw bcoz bro after finish bath wan use comp... really feel wan to die... haiz...
Monday, January 11, 2010
early in the morning my boss edi reach shop... i reach shop around 10.10a.m... not dare to walk inside then find smtg to do at outside... really feel tht today time will be pass so slow... how i knw... today time pass so fast... love today... although is a bit tired.... summore i still can sms v W.H... wht u send to me i really save it... bcoz its sweet and nt bitter.... and wht u post on ur blog... i like it so much... and i'm appreaciate it... i really feel happy to knw u... although is chatting v u in msn, but still wan to cht in facebook... this really make me feel very funny... and i wan to knw ur ADDRESS... pls tell me ur ADDRESS ar... i rmb wht u say is u prefer i fetch u more than u drive urself rite??? then still got the trip... hehe^^ don forget our movie day ar.... hehe^^ my parents juz reach kl... very happy tht they come here... bcoz my room was very tidy... my shirt no nid i iron myself... and everynite got dinner to eat... really no nid to think wht should eat... hehe... thx daddy mummy... i love u so much...
Saturday, January 9, 2010
9/1/2010, sat... feel happy coz saturday... can sleep late and the next day can get up late... the most happy is my parents coming kl at monday... so no nid to eat at outside edi... i miss the food cook by my mum... haha... today is really a borin day... 12.30p.m my boss edi reach shop... less customer.... make the time also pass very slow... boss waiting his new 32" LCD coming... he told us tht he buy the LCD for hearing CNY song... i'm really -_-"... the LCD send to shop at 6 o'clock... we all scold the seller izzit wan make us cant go home early... at the end, 7.30pm Fong Gong... after hav dinner v my fren... i straight away go back home... for wht??? changing my GT wing to SE2 spoiler... changing my CF Gallardo side mirror to ori side mirror.... bcoz my parents cant accept this kind of stuff... 9 start modz my car... till 11pm juz finish... and nw i'm juz finish my bath... the screw driver hit my hand... non-stop bleeding... i feel wan to sing the song name bleeding love... this pic showing tht my hand injured... feel wan to cry edi... is very very pain... nobody knw, nobody care... this kind of life is damn FUCK UP!!!
Today nth special... except this also dunno wht can share... so tht's all for my sat....
Friday, January 8, 2010
wht i suppose to do??? i really dunno... why sometime u treat me very good, we sweet like a candy... but why sometime u treat me very cool... we bitter like medicine... this is wht i feel when we chatting... actually do u really got feel v me??? actually if u really got feel v me can it mean as u love me??? or u playing me??? i really dunno... my heart is very soft juz like a pillow... pls don hurt me again... i hav edi given hurt by 2 of my ex b4... the feeling is really damn sad and damn hurt... i don wan this kind of feeling anymore... should i giv up as early as possible??? i always so confident to say tht u will break v ur bf 1 day and together v me... but nw, wht i think during this lonely time, i'm really feelin sad and i really think to giv up... so should i really giv up??? nw, i wish i will giv up... how about tomolo??? how about the day after tomolo??? will i sms her again??? i don think i really dare to promise tht i can 100% control myself to stop sms her or calling her... for me, 1 day i didnt hear ur voice and didnt receive ur msg... i feel very sad... but for u... i guess tht 1day if i didnt find u, u wont feel anything... juz like normal... why i will knw u??? i really feel regret to meet u... if i can switch back b4 the day i knw u, i will choose to treat u as my stranger... if i really knw u, i really will choose to nt chatting v u... so tht, if we really dunno each other, nw my feeling will nt appear... where can i get the gal really love me??? i hav 1 a few month ago... but i didnt appreciate... nw i feel regret... nw i really choose a gal tht nt really love me... wht for??? if god can giv me 1 more chance to meet a gal tht really love me more than i love her, i will really appreciate her... and how she treat me, i will treat her better than she treat me... so god, pls... i pls u... juz giv me a gal tht love me more than i love her.... this is wht i wish in year 2010...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
i'm really feel borin for my life... everyday do the same thing is really very borin... working is really make me feel very borin... i didnt force u to help me buy my food, pls don scold me tht i force u to help me buy food... the 1 who force u is nt me, and is K... u're really fuck... don u always try to bully me... i didnt scold at u nt mean u can bully me... u thought u r wat??? u're juz a fucker... u at our side act like a brave man, but in front of my boss, u juz act like a dog... stupid fucker, pls don ever ask me to help u anymore!!! i'm gonna to stand 1 more month and i will say bye bye to u... pls don make me punch u in this month, stupid!!!
and another u... i'm really feel tired v our relationship... i really dunno wht u treat me nw... why u can go any where without telling me??? i'm juz a stupid waiting u to online the whole nite... after knw u, i nvr feel happy... i feel sad everyday... pls be loyal to ur bf... we will nt together... pls don waste my time, don giv me sadness anymore and don giv me wish and break it..... i'm really gonna stop... i really cant stand for our relationship...
nw, wht i really nid is 5 PACK of cigaratte and 2 TONG of beer... i really wish to drunk... i don wan to think anything anymore...
and another u... i'm really feel tired v our relationship... i really dunno wht u treat me nw... why u can go any where without telling me??? i'm juz a stupid waiting u to online the whole nite... after knw u, i nvr feel happy... i feel sad everyday... pls be loyal to ur bf... we will nt together... pls don waste my time, don giv me sadness anymore and don giv me wish and break it..... i'm really gonna stop... i really cant stand for our relationship...
nw, wht i really nid is 5 PACK of cigaratte and 2 TONG of beer... i really wish to drunk... i don wan to think anything anymore...
Monday, January 4, 2010
04/01/2010, stupid monday...
Nth special for today... a damn hated monday... i very hate monday... i like friday more bcoz is TT nite... i like sat also coz sunday no nid to work... KeKe^^ early in the morning wake up, then after take bath, unbelieveable my hp ringing... its a msg from 0407... i feel very sweet suddenly... then i reply ur msg lo.. really nth special for today... when reach office, after have breakfast, only knw tht hav to check stock... #*@*#&$%&@*#$#@&#*$*# so many emblem there... why i choose to check emblem... haiz... nvm la... juz do it... then starting is very enjoy... after tht, hmm... wtf!!! why Ah Chew putting emblem everywhere... after make the total then suddenly got extra come out... SHIT!!! Ah Chew, u ply me ar??? make me check stock until sienz jor straight away throw it away and go out to hav a break and also smoking 1st... after smoke, my boss had reach... the feel juz like devil hav edi appear... wei, ur all better sing sing ding ding ar... if nt will zhung diu ar... we all keep diam diam... got customer then serve... if dunno how to serve, then use a very low volume to tell him tht we dont have... this skill is very famous for me and Shawn... wakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka.... work until 8o'clock juz hav dinner... having indo mee again... i can feel tht i slowly will bcum botak... ;) after tht call u, juz knw tht u goin out v ur bf... i suddenly feel bitter... when reach home, don feel wan to off my engine and bak home... stay in my car at hear two song with suitable my feel... when reach home straight away throw my hp in my room... wht also don wan to think... the whole brain keep thinkin u... feel very jealous... feel very sad... u sms me at 10.04p.m... but i didnt reply u... coz my hp at my room and i was in living room online... i really surprise why u so early reach home??? nvm... continue cht... until nw, *$%@$#*$@*$@#$* wht happen to my msn... why the line so sot... shit it... stop chatting nw... waiting taking bath and call u later... this is my day...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
03/01/2010, Outing v George, Chantelle and Kelven...
We have edi promise each other tht today 1 o'clock will go to klang hav Bak Kut Teh, my favourite food... hehe ^^ today, i saw my bro go toilet... bcoz i sleep v my bro... when my bro go toilet sure pass by my bed... then i wake up lo...my watch putting the table which bside my bed then i see my watch i thought juz around 8a.m smtg... when i see clear abit i juz knw it edi 1.30p.m... WTF, man!!! i'm late... call my fren, why they didnt wake me up... 1st is calling George... wht??? tht stupid George didnt ask my call... nvm, continue calling Chantelle... hehe... Chantelle accept my fon and i ask her why didnt wake me up, she reply me tht she calling George, but nobody ans so didnt care about it... i really headache about it... after tht Chantelle say wan to take a shower can will be reach at Sunway around half an hour later... so i also continue to prepare myself... after Chantelle reach Sunway, i go pyramid v her to collect a gal christmas present... when i check it... it really nice.... wonderful... so tht straight away go to klang after tht... when we reach klang, really late edi... all the Bak Kut Teh shop hav edi close and George bring us to find around... at the end, we eat at Taman Rashna... she had told me tht she saw my car when she on the way bak to home... this is the pic George, Chantelle and Kelven force me to eat...

after Bak Kut Teh time, sure got ppl stomach ache la... so follow tht guy bak to his house and he goin to make cake... haha... at his house, we playing game and i online there.... after tht sure is go find her and giv her the christmas present lo... simply say bring her out is because i wan to see her more and knw her more... she had told me tht her bf drink New Honda Accord and i feel myself had edi lose all... i keep taking myself to compare v her bf... but nvm, as long as we nid happy... then she bring me go Klang Parade... and we playing Snooker and Pool there... i knw is quiet boring... and i'm sorry about tht... until the end i shooting basketball v her... my score is juz 43 and her scold is 170... is 170!!! after tht i edi knw tht this is the ending of my happiness... is time to say bye bye to her edi.... after she take her key from my car then she walk bak to Klang Parade again... and i and George is sure going bak lo... i drive 150 at the highway from Klang to SUnway... my mood was very down on tht time... i really dunno why... so my day have edi pass like this... a little bit happy and a very much sadness....
after Bak Kut Teh time, sure got ppl stomach ache la... so follow tht guy bak to his house and he goin to make cake... haha... at his house, we playing game and i online there.... after tht sure is go find her and giv her the christmas present lo... simply say bring her out is because i wan to see her more and knw her more... she had told me tht her bf drink New Honda Accord and i feel myself had edi lose all... i keep taking myself to compare v her bf... but nvm, as long as we nid happy... then she bring me go Klang Parade... and we playing Snooker and Pool there... i knw is quiet boring... and i'm sorry about tht... until the end i shooting basketball v her... my score is juz 43 and her scold is 170... is 170!!! after tht i edi knw tht this is the ending of my happiness... is time to say bye bye to her edi.... after she take her key from my car then she walk bak to Klang Parade again... and i and George is sure going bak lo... i drive 150 at the highway from Klang to SUnway... my mood was very down on tht time... i really dunno why... so my day have edi pass like this... a little bit happy and a very much sadness....
03/01/2010, Outing v George, Chantelle and Kelven...
we have edi promise each other tht today 1 o'clock will go to klang hav Bak Kut Teh, my favourite food... hehe ^^ when i wake

huh.... this morning wake up damn early... feel very tired so tht come out from my room and continue lay at my living room safa until 9.25a.m juz goin to prepare to work... Oh my God!!! it edi 10a.m after i finish all my prepare... and i haven wear my socks and shoes... so i keep on rushing to wear my socks and shoes... and rush down to my private parking to get my park... when i reach my working place is edi 10.15a.m.... luckily my boss usually come at 1p.m... hehe... ^^ this morning working is still on bad mood... coz she haven find me yet... until afternoon 2.57p.m, suddenly my fon ring... "DANG DANG DANG DANG" didnt feel interested viewing msg bcoz i hav edi knw tht she wont sms me and find me anymore... wait till 3.49p.m i only view my msg... suddenly see the num, feel very shocked... juz knw tht she send a forward msg to me... i keep thinkin is it she miss me so she sms me??? but i didnt care anything... straight away reply her... my luck is goin to better... at nite, i go bak to my house hav a shower then go to pyramid buy smtg for her (Christmas Present) after tht i go to cinema to look for the movie ticket... wats!!! all movie is edi full??? juz leave those suks malay movie??? i prefer nt to watch then we 3 hav decided to go for Summit to watch movie... when i edi reach Summit she juz only tell me she got come Sunway... but i hav edi buy my ticket... bcoz i'm goin to watch "AVATAR" v NightGhost, George, and Chantelle... then i feel very regret for too early buying the air ticker... the movie starting is really kill me softly... the air con was very cold, i was sitting in front and make me feel wan to vomit and the movie starting was very borin... feel like wan go out hav a smoke... after see until the end, what the hell!!! this is really a nice movie... a guy can choose to be a monster and stop being human... its really romantic... after finish the movie, straight away go USJ11 to hav a teh tarik v Nightghost, George and Chantelle... until 5a.m juz only reach home... and nw i hav edi finish my shower and i'm writing this blog... u sure sleep like a pig... hehe... i really cant imagine how u look like when u sleep... should be very cute... really feel wan to see... if i got chance to see u sleep, i will take a lot of pic... hehe... ^^
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Today is the 1st day of 2010... i sleep till 4.30pm juz wake up... today feel very happy coz no nid to work... really enjoy staying at home... but the thing make me cant enjoy today is i can not stop thinkin of u... i feel wan to sms u, but i scare u nt reply me... i feel wan to msn u, but i scare u feel tht i disturbing u and u gonna block me... i feel wan to call u, but i scare u don ans my call... wht can i do is juz keep looking at my hp wallpaper... coz i have edi save ur photo as my wallpaper... watever where i go, i also holding my hp... juz scare tht u suddenly call me or msg me, i didnt notice it... i feel i very stupid... although is feeling wan u to call me, but i block u in my hp... juz my contact list ppl can call me... say like tht means tht i hav edi delete ur contact list at my phonebook... i delete it is bcoz i wan control myself nt for thinkin u, nt for sms u, nt for calling u... but how i knw, i'm still rmb ur fon num... bcoz ur fon num is 0407 and my num is 0306... the starting 3digit also the same is 012... so wht can i do??? today the whole i didnt cht v u edi... i really feel very miss u... i miss to sms u... i miss to asking u some funny question to let u ans... i still rmb the story of cat and mouse story... really very funny... until nw i still thinkin tht yesterday i cant pass v u, i really feel very sad... every ppl telling me tht there enjoy last nite, but i'm the only 1 nt enjoy last nite...
the worse new year eve tht I had never pass b4...
The Worse New Year Eve That I Had Never Pass B4!!!
31/12/2009, this is the worse new year eve tht i had never pass b4... without u, i feel tht my whole life is tasted sour... i dunno why... i juz knw u around 1 month then i edi love u deeply... still rmb 24/12/2009, christmas eve u acc me... the most funny thing is u sit in front of me, face to face but i nt dare to talk v u... we using sms to communicate... really giv my fren laugh until stomach ache... finally i promise u tht i will bring u along to Sunway Pyramid to see fireworks... when i reach there v u around 11.45pm, u run so fast juz bcoz scare we miss the fireworks... still rmb i got tell u tht we still got 15min time, impossible we cant reach there on time... when we reach there, we like juz finish take bath... the whole body also wet jor... hehe^^ juz bcoz i park my car too far away pyramid... u keep at there ngam... and i was keep saying sorry to u... after my fren all reach the same place, we sitting at the outside of the Pyramid (bside new Starbucks, in front of Sunway Lagoon entrance) we keep waiting for the fireworks... until 12.15 still haven got fireworks... i'm really very sorry about tht... coz i also dunno there didnt hav fireworks... u keep blame me and see tht i lie u... tht time i really feel very guilty to u... bcoz make u cant see fireworks... after tht we drive car around and see how happening at Sunway... still rmb 1 of my fren make me run the wrong way??? make me pay 2 tol juz reach sunway again... tht time is really funny... i keep scolding inside the car... then u say me why i will keep scolding around when driving... i also dunno how to ans u... hehe... after tht we go Subang Station 1 hav a drink till around 3a.m then i fetch u go find ur sis... i still rmb wht we did tht time... i wont forget wht we hav done... tht is really very sweet... but suddenly u tell me tht u cant be my gf, this really hurt me deeply... u make my heart broke into 2 pieces... when ur sis fren come fetch u, i still rmb my mood very down and i drive 160 bak Sunway... this is the 1st time i drive so fast... yesterday, u cant acc me... u tell me u hav dinner, after tht u go Opera v ur fren... i really feel very sad... tht time is edi 3a.m... is too late to regret... i regret tht i didnt go clubbing v all my fren... as long as i can enjoy until i can stop thinkin about u... this is the best u giv me at 31/12/2009!!! i will always rmb it...
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