Beside sing k in Loudspeaker, having dinner at Kim Gary restaurant and 'Yuan' steamboat buffet v my sis, we goin to genting highland celebrate my birthday too... here are the photo... :)
a group photo but too bad... missing few person... :) but nvm... still got chance...
troll family... haha... edit by me (Lloyd Ho) funny????
if this is a real ice-cream, i wish to bring it back for u... :)
my birthday dinner tht my sis spend me... here to thx my sis joey and nicole for the steamboat birthday dinner... :)
for sure this is my eldest sis name Joey... :) my 2nd sis name nicole... :) delicious chicken wing tht need to wait for so long... here is the steamboat buffet... :)
currently having fun v this brunch of frenz... feel very comfortable when mixed v them... even my 22years old birthday also celebrate v them... here are they...